Využití koní
Název vznikl z francouzského par cours - z loveckých soutěží. Parkur je tedy soutěž, při níž kůň s jezdcem překonávají soustavu umělých překážek v daném časem.po stanovené trati. Obvykle se konají na travnatém nebo pískovém kolbišti. Od roku 1912 je parkur samostatnou disciplínou na OH.
Kořeny tohoto sportu jsou velmi staré, jejich rozmach nastal zejména v 16. století za renesance. Soutěže se konají na pískovém drezurním obdelníku o rozměrech 20 x 40m nebo 20 x 60 m. Oblíbený je u jezdců ale i diváků zejména kür, který se jede na hudbu a spojuje estetickou podívanou se sportovním zážitkem.
Všestranná spůsobilost
Základem těchto soutěží byly štafetové jízdy vojenských poslů, kteří vozili hlášení , často ve velmi obtížných terénech. Dříve se jich účastnili jen vojenští jezdci, proto dlouho přežíval pojem military. Soutěž trvá obvykle tři dny a kůň s jezdcem musí předvést svoji všestrannost - drezurní zkouška, terénní jízda, parkur.
Westernové soutěže
Tyto disciplíny vznikly na amerických rančích, protože kovbojové mezi sebou rádi měřili síly svých koní, jejich rychlost a obratnost. U nás se jezdí od roku 1990. Disciplíny se dělí na tři základní skupiny: soutěže zaměřené na přiježděnost koní a jejich ovladatelnost - např. reining, pracovní - např. cutting ( kůň a jezdec musí oddělit kus dobytka a nenechat ho vrátit se ke stádu po určitý čas), rychlostní - barrel racing a pole bending.
Název vznikl z francouzštiny - la voltige znamená cvičení na koni. jedná se o gymnastické a akrobatické ježdění na koni, kterého vede na lonži lonžér. Rozhodčí hodnotí cviky povinné a volné sestavy, může cvičit jednotlivec nebo skupina.
Od roku 1983 je endrurance zařazena mezi sporty Mezinárodní jezdecké federace FEI. Účastnit se mohou všechna plemena koní, ale vynikají především koně arabští. Soutěž testuje nejen rychlost a vytrvalost koně, ale zejména jeho zdravotní stav a kondici. Jízda probíhá v terénu s různými převýšeními, brody, výstupy či překážkami v přirozeném stavu. Pokud není kůň v pořádku, může být dvojice i diskvalifikována.
Je ještě starší než jezdecký sport. Existuje mnoho různých zápřeží a stylů zapřahání. První soutěže se začaly objevovat ke konci 19. století. Počátky jízdy se spřežením u nás jsou spjaty se Selskou jízdou a chovatelskými zkouškami. Dnes e vypisují soutěže pro jednospřeží, dvouspřeží, ale i čtyřspřeží, pro velké koně i poníky.
Dělí se na cvalové rovinové , cvalové překážkové a klusácké. Dostihy jsou velmi stré, závodilo se už v době Chetitů a v antice. Rovinových dostihů se účastní i dvouletí koně. KLusácké dostihy jsou velmi populární zejména v Americe a Rusku, ale konají se i v dalších zemích, včetně ČR. KOně jsou zapřahání do lehkých dvoukolových vozíků - sulek. už i u nás se běhají dostihy těchto koní pod sedlem - tzv. monté
Další využití koní
V chovu koní se jedná o dlouhodobý proces, nátočný nejen časově, ale i ekonomicky. Dobrý chovatel musí být odborně vzdělaný a zodpovědný, aby jím odchovaní koně byli kvalitní a splňovali chovný cíl. K úspěšnému odchovu je dlouhá cesta, březost klisny trvá 11 měsíců , odchování hříběte nějméně dalších 6 měsíců a to s odpovídající péčí.
Lesnictví, potažní práce
Ačkoli se zdálo, že v 21. století zvládnou všechnu práci stroje, koně a jejich tažná síla jsou stále nenahraditelní při práci v lese. Koně pracují zejména tam, kam by se nedostala těžká mechanizace a také v místech, kde je potřeba přistupovat šetrně k půdě. Právě pro tyto práce ( a nejen pro ně) jsou stále chováni chladnokrevníci. Práce v lese je pro koně nesmírně namáhavá a také nebezpečná, proto hodně záleží na souhře s kočím a také na jeho vztahu ke koni.
Nezastupitelnou roli při léčbě postižených má i jízda na koni. Ovšem pod vedením odborných pracovníků. Lékaři přišli na to, že krok koně příznivě působí na některá onemocnění , a proto se začal tento obor rozvíjet.
Rekreační ježdění a turistické ježdění
Jezdecké hry
Jsou mnoha typů a soutěží v nich nejen děti, ale i dospělí. Patří sem např. pólo, gymkhana, skijöring, ovšem lze sem zařadit i populární hubertovy jízdy.
Pod tímto pojmem si většinou vybavíme vystoupení jezdců a koní Apassionaty či večerní show na Equitaně. Spojení hudby, světel, krásných koní a náročných jezdeckých prvků skývá nevídanou podívanou, která zaujme lajky i odborníky. Bez koní si neumíme představit ani různá cirkusová vystoupení či historické filmy a pohádky.
Přehled komentářů
порча на семью-сделала у 1mag.cmag666.ru
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Welcome to the Community!
(Jamesslalk, 19. 4. 2024 18:45)
Welcome to the Community!
How are you everyone! I'm novel to this forum, but I'm already impressed by the welcoming and encouraging atmosphere. In the brief period I've been here, I've been amazed at how helpful and encouraging the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the genuine desire of long-time members to guide new users get acclimated. Whether it's answering questions, or just sharing a kind gesture, the veteran members here go out of their way to make fresh faces feel welcomed and valued.
The range of topics covered is also remarkably diverse, with knowledgeable discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your curiosities or familiarity, there seems to be an vibrant and active community ready to engage with you.
In summary, I'm genuinely excited to be a part of this forum and to continue exploring all that it has to offer. If you're recently arrived like me, I implore you to dive in, engage, and take advantage of the depth of experience and camaraderie that this community provides. I look forward to countless discussions and engagements to come!
Welcome to the Community!
(Jamesslalk, 19. 4. 2024 18:45)
Welcome to the Community!
How are you everyone! I'm novel to this forum, but I'm already impressed by the welcoming and encouraging atmosphere. In the brief period I've been here, I've been amazed at how helpful and encouraging the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the genuine desire of long-time members to guide new users get acclimated. Whether it's answering questions, or just sharing a kind gesture, the veteran members here go out of their way to make fresh faces feel welcomed and valued.
The range of topics covered is also remarkably diverse, with knowledgeable discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your curiosities or familiarity, there seems to be an vibrant and active community ready to engage with you.
In summary, I'm genuinely excited to be a part of this forum and to continue exploring all that it has to offer. If you're recently arrived like me, I implore you to dive in, engage, and take advantage of the depth of experience and camaraderie that this community provides. I look forward to countless discussions and engagements to come!
Welcome to the Community!
(Jamesslalk, 19. 4. 2024 18:45)
Welcome to the Community!
How are you everyone! I'm novel to this forum, but I'm already impressed by the welcoming and encouraging atmosphere. In the brief period I've been here, I've been amazed at how helpful and encouraging the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the genuine desire of long-time members to guide new users get acclimated. Whether it's answering questions, or just sharing a kind gesture, the veteran members here go out of their way to make fresh faces feel welcomed and valued.
The range of topics covered is also remarkably diverse, with knowledgeable discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your curiosities or familiarity, there seems to be an vibrant and active community ready to engage with you.
In summary, I'm genuinely excited to be a part of this forum and to continue exploring all that it has to offer. If you're recently arrived like me, I implore you to dive in, engage, and take advantage of the depth of experience and camaraderie that this community provides. I look forward to countless discussions and engagements to come!
Welcome to the Community!
(Jamesslalk, 19. 4. 2024 18:45)
Welcome to the Community!
How are you everyone! I'm novel to this forum, but I'm already impressed by the welcoming and encouraging atmosphere. In the brief period I've been here, I've been amazed at how helpful and encouraging the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the genuine desire of long-time members to guide new users get acclimated. Whether it's answering questions, or just sharing a kind gesture, the veteran members here go out of their way to make fresh faces feel welcomed and valued.
The range of topics covered is also remarkably diverse, with knowledgeable discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your curiosities or familiarity, there seems to be an vibrant and active community ready to engage with you.
In summary, I'm genuinely excited to be a part of this forum and to continue exploring all that it has to offer. If you're recently arrived like me, I implore you to dive in, engage, and take advantage of the depth of experience and camaraderie that this community provides. I look forward to countless discussions and engagements to come!
Welcome to the Community!
(Jamesslalk, 19. 4. 2024 18:45)
Welcome to the Community!
How are you everyone! I'm novel to this forum, but I'm already impressed by the welcoming and encouraging atmosphere. In the brief period I've been here, I've been amazed at how helpful and encouraging the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the genuine desire of long-time members to guide new users get acclimated. Whether it's answering questions, or just sharing a kind gesture, the veteran members here go out of their way to make fresh faces feel welcomed and valued.
The range of topics covered is also remarkably diverse, with knowledgeable discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your curiosities or familiarity, there seems to be an vibrant and active community ready to engage with you.
In summary, I'm genuinely excited to be a part of this forum and to continue exploring all that it has to offer. If you're recently arrived like me, I implore you to dive in, engage, and take advantage of the depth of experience and camaraderie that this community provides. I look forward to countless discussions and engagements to come!
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Welcome to the Community!
(Jamesslalk, 18. 4. 2024 13:18)
Welcome to the Community!
Hello everyone! I'm fresh to this forum, but I'm already impressed by the friendly and encouraging atmosphere. In the short time I've been here, I've been amazed at how helpful and nurturing the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the genuine desire of long-time members to help new users find their footing. Whether it's providing guidance, or just sharing a kind gesture, the experienced members here go out of their way to make newcomers feel included and valued.
The range of topics covered is also incredibly diverse, with insightful discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your curiosities or familiarity, there seems to be an vibrant and engaged community ready to engage with you.
In conclusion, I'm truly excited to be a part of this forum and to dive deeper into all that it has to offer. If you're recently arrived like me, I urge you to get involved, participate, and take advantage of the abundance of expertise and camaraderie that this community provides. I look forward to countless discussions and exchanges to come!
Welcome to the Community!
(Jamesslalk, 18. 4. 2024 13:18)
Welcome to the Community!
Hello everyone! I'm fresh to this forum, but I'm already impressed by the friendly and encouraging atmosphere. In the short time I've been here, I've been amazed at how helpful and nurturing the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the genuine desire of long-time members to help new users find their footing. Whether it's providing guidance, or just sharing a kind gesture, the experienced members here go out of their way to make newcomers feel included and valued.
The range of topics covered is also incredibly diverse, with insightful discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your curiosities or familiarity, there seems to be an vibrant and engaged community ready to engage with you.
In conclusion, I'm truly excited to be a part of this forum and to dive deeper into all that it has to offer. If you're recently arrived like me, I urge you to get involved, participate, and take advantage of the abundance of expertise and camaraderie that this community provides. I look forward to countless discussions and exchanges to come!
Welcome to the Community!
(Jamesslalk, 18. 4. 2024 13:18)
Welcome to the Community!
Hello everyone! I'm fresh to this forum, but I'm already impressed by the friendly and encouraging atmosphere. In the short time I've been here, I've been amazed at how helpful and nurturing the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the genuine desire of long-time members to help new users find their footing. Whether it's providing guidance, or just sharing a kind gesture, the experienced members here go out of their way to make newcomers feel included and valued.
The range of topics covered is also incredibly diverse, with insightful discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your curiosities or familiarity, there seems to be an vibrant and engaged community ready to engage with you.
In conclusion, I'm truly excited to be a part of this forum and to dive deeper into all that it has to offer. If you're recently arrived like me, I urge you to get involved, participate, and take advantage of the abundance of expertise and camaraderie that this community provides. I look forward to countless discussions and exchanges to come!
Welcome to the Community!
(Jamesslalk, 18. 4. 2024 13:18)
Welcome to the Community!
Hello everyone! I'm fresh to this forum, but I'm already impressed by the friendly and encouraging atmosphere. In the short time I've been here, I've been amazed at how helpful and nurturing the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the genuine desire of long-time members to help new users find their footing. Whether it's providing guidance, or just sharing a kind gesture, the experienced members here go out of their way to make newcomers feel included and valued.
The range of topics covered is also incredibly diverse, with insightful discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your curiosities or familiarity, there seems to be an vibrant and engaged community ready to engage with you.
In conclusion, I'm truly excited to be a part of this forum and to dive deeper into all that it has to offer. If you're recently arrived like me, I urge you to get involved, participate, and take advantage of the abundance of expertise and camaraderie that this community provides. I look forward to countless discussions and exchanges to come!
Welcome to the Community!
(Jamesslalk, 18. 4. 2024 13:18)
Welcome to the Community!
Hello everyone! I'm fresh to this forum, but I'm already impressed by the friendly and encouraging atmosphere. In the short time I've been here, I've been amazed at how helpful and nurturing the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the genuine desire of long-time members to help new users find their footing. Whether it's providing guidance, or just sharing a kind gesture, the experienced members here go out of their way to make newcomers feel included and valued.
The range of topics covered is also incredibly diverse, with insightful discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your curiosities or familiarity, there seems to be an vibrant and engaged community ready to engage with you.
In conclusion, I'm truly excited to be a part of this forum and to dive deeper into all that it has to offer. If you're recently arrived like me, I urge you to get involved, participate, and take advantage of the abundance of expertise and camaraderie that this community provides. I look forward to countless discussions and exchanges to come!
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(Windows11LTSC, 18. 4. 2024 11:29)
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Че, приятель! Ты ищешь дельную инфу о том, зачем тебе возиться на нашем веб-сайте? Окей, держи фишку!
(Donaldeffip, 18. 4. 2024 6:19)
Че, компаньон! Ты ищешь дельную инфу про то, для чего для тебя возиться на нашем веб-сайте? Окей, держи фишку!
Слушай, здесь у нас не просто сайт, это кладезь познаний, где ты можешь выдавить всю соковитую инфу, что лишь только захочешь! Эй, ну да мы как что уличные братки, представляешь ли, практически постоянно подскажем, как выручить тебя из каждой капусты.
Здесь на любом углу - памятке, рекомендации, рецепты, да что угодно! Не важно, че ты штудируешь - кулинарию, программирование, фитнес либо философию. У нас есть все варианты, как в кармане у грамотного философа.
А, и как мы забыли заявить, дружище, наш сайт это не столько информация, это и связь с реальными профи! Здесь ты можешь задавать свои вопросы, делиться своими находками, обсуждать принципиальные темы с такими же заинтересованными братками, как ты.
И не теряй время, давай, заскакивай к нам на сайт и окунись в мир знаний и общения, который мы тебе приготовили! Так как кто знает, может, тут тебе откроются двери в новую жизнь, как в фильмах!
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порча на семью-сделала у 1mag.cmag666.ru во Франции - все устроило
(Michaelvof, 20. 4. 2024 16:35)